Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I think I'll be unable to tear myself from the tv. Oh no.
edith's an extremely happy girl. :D
Celine! Ask me along for study sessions. Common tests are coming!
Hunter x Hunter's a super cute anime. It is really kinda like Naruto but more, hmmm, light and happy?
twin stars is wasting her time at 9:01 PM x
Sunday, May 27, 2007
LAM individual assignment done!
Fel: Eh, we didn't eat much of the cake cause we were all full from the pizza. Cake's absolutely delicious though. YUMS.
Weiqian: Don't call me wei wei. It sounds terrible. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
twin stars is wasting her time at 11:27 PM x
Cake anyone?
twin stars is wasting her time at 7:48 PM x
in my ever busy and hectic schedule.
i am sorry...
i forgot
you existed.
i want to thank
you, for being behind me to support me.
for being in front of me to guide me.
for being beside me to hold my hand and walk with me.
for being above me to grant me wisdom.
for being within me to help me live life abundantly.
how did i forget about
it was an enlightening homily...
i have found my peace.
edith...we will get through this.
so don't worry so much.
smile! (:
life is too short to frown too much...
so when are we going to watch pirates?
holy spirit. x
twin stars is wasting her time at 11:55 AM x
Friday, May 25, 2007
I'm so sorry. I really am.
I just can't help but feel so annoyed.
I'm sorry if I take out my anger on you guys.
I'm sorry if I sound angry.
I can't help it.
I'll try to remain upbeat.
I really miss those happy times.
I suddenly feel like crying. argh.-edith
twin stars is wasting her time at 11:46 PM x
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
What's wrong? Don't be depressed! Eat lots of chocolate and ice-cream. We can go watch pirates soon too! Cheer up!!
Bad days will come to an end. Hang in there.
AND, don't overwork yourself yeah. If you can't take the load, then just reject them! Don't make yourself unhappy.
p.s WEIQIAN! What do you mean by asking Fel to look at me then she'll feel better?! HMPHS. Stupid lizard. All lizards should DIE!
twin stars is wasting her time at 6:41 PM x
unknowingly she has been running away.
unknowingly she has been avoiding it.
unknowingly she has been lying to herself.
unknowingly she has been hiding behind a mask.
unknowingly she is turning to an emotionless person.
unknowingly she is standing in the middle of the field.
it is raining very heavily.
and yet she still stands in the middle of the field.
she is waiting.
someone asked her,
"what happened to you? what happened to your fencing?"
at that moment, she realised.
that...she is letting it affect her so much.
at that moment, the clouds cleared and the sun is out.
at that moment, her first true smile appeared.
slowly yet surely, she is making her way back.
no longer is she standing in the middle of the field.
no longer is she waiting.
the journey is long.
and she is tired.
yet she would not stop walking.
till she reached...home...
do you know that she is tired to be sandwich in the middle.
yet she can't do much.
she hope that the problem could be solved quickly.
she wants to tell them,
"your answer lies the other side, if you really want to know, please look for it yourself. being a middle man is terrible. i can only do so much, the rest is up to you. can you all trash it out?"
ps: thanks hazel!
the feeling of depression is terrible. i hate it. x
twin stars is wasting her time at 12:37 AM x
Monday, May 21, 2007
oh hohoho.
i guess jap lessons is over.
i hope i passed! (:
keeping my fingers crossed.
tentons is a little messy.
and i'm not prepared for ba happy hour on thursday.
so many things is going on.
and i hope i can last through the semester!
can't wait to go watch pirates...
twin stars is wasting her time at 5:23 PM x
Friday, May 18, 2007
hmm. recent trend among the retards. it seems that i've misled a lot of people. haha
twin stars is wasting her time at 9:43 PM x
Monday, May 14, 2007
Siew's coming tmr! :D
//Was it meant to turn out this way? I dislike this feeling, make it go away. Bitterness//
twin stars is wasting her time at 10:48 PM x
Thursday, May 10, 2007
can't we turn back time,
back to those carefree days
full of smiles and laughter
when we were all so retarded and lame
we were one
happy about everything
now WE stand
united as a front
but there are cracks
and soon WE will tumble
whatever happened to us?
your intrusion has left us unhappy
won't anyone do anything to save us?
i want my blissful days back
twin stars is wasting her time at 4:17 PM x
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
twin stars is wasting her time at 11:44 PM x